Tuesday 29 March 2016

Maize Maze at Red House Farm

Mummy and Grandma have been to the Maize Maze every year for the past five or six years. Mummy was a bit unsure about going this year, and indeed we left it until the last weekend of the season before deciding to go, as the walk can be quite long depending how much of the maze you cover.

The maze at Red House Farm is made out of maize, hence the name, and the limited season, before the maize is harvested. Each year, the maze has a different theme and is set out in a different shape. This year the theme was Blue Peter. There are several boards positioned around the maze, which each have a stamp attached. You are given a map at the entry kiosk, on the back of which is space to stamp for each board found. This is a very large maze and without the map you might struggle to find all the boards. Our usual approach is to take a pen and draw a line along the map as we go, to make sure we don't continually retrace our steps.

It didn't take us too long to find all the boards. We could tell that it was the end of the season, as there were several unofficial paths through what should have been solid lines of maize. As a bit of a traditionalist, I generally refuse to use these cut throughs! Baby seemed to be very much enjoying being snuggled up against Daddy in her carrier and fell asleep almost straight away, staying asleep for the whole of the time we were in the maze.

After exiting the maze, we headed for the tearoom. Not huge, but there was thankfully a table free inside. We were offered a highchair but Baby was definitely too small, not to mention still asleep, so she slept on Mummy's lap while we ate.

Key facts:

Month of visit:

Weather for visit:
Dry but overcast.

Is it pushchair friendly?
Staff said the paths around the maze were fine for pushchairs, and there were wheelchair gates for the bridges. However, we used the carrier, which gave us more freedom. The paths were generally fine, but perhaps a bit too bumpy, and I imagine if it rains they would become quite muddy.

What about somewhere to feed?
There is a small cafe, but I fed Baby in the car.

Is it worth a visit?
Yes, especially for maze loving Mummy! Children will love finding the stamps and navigating the maze, though it was a little wasted on Baby.

Baby's highlight?
Cuddling Daddy and sleeping!

Red House Farm
Red House Lane,
Dunham Massey,
WA14 5RL


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